Give Back Foundation is a donor advised fund. We do not direct funds, we deliver funds to charities as directed by donors.
We make every attempt to provide timely answers to all your questions. Please note however, as a donor advised fund, we do not accept direct solicitations nor do we partner directly with charities and non-profits. More information is available below on how to become a charity partner with the CFC.
The Give Back Foundation is proud to work as trusted non-profit partner for the Madison Forward Fund. This cutting-edge and experimental program, founded on the belief that Madison families deserve a basic level of income to support fundamental needs, and that people experiencing financial scarcity are best positioned to make decisions regarding their household needs. As such, the fund provides direct cash assistance to randomly selected low-income families. Madison Forward Fund. The program is part of a nationwide research project through "Mayors for Guaranteed Income."
The Give Back Foundation, a §501(c)(3) donor advised fund, created a platform to simplify workplace giving programs. Companies are using branded Give Back web sites to offer a personalized giving experience to their employees, including payroll deduction, donation matching, enrollment bonuses, giving campaigns and other reward and incentive programs. The GiveBack platform offers employees simple ways to contribute, raise money and donate to charitable causes they care about most. The platform supports more than 1.5 million IRS-approved charities. If your charity received funds from the Give Back Foundation and you are unsure of the source, please contact us at
The Give Back Foundation only works with charities designated through Combined Federal Campaign (CFC.) We'd love to get you involved.
Visit the Charity Administrative hub to learn all about becoming a CFC charitable partner. Many charities find working with the CFC campaign to be their most important outreach. Charitable organizations wishing to participate in the (CFC) must complete an annual application form via the online CFC Application System.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). For a full and complete list, please visit
Give Back Foundation is a donor advised fund. Simply put, as a donor you decide the charities you want to support through the CFC campaign, and we make the donations are made as you intend.
Yes, your donation is tax deductible in the year it is given.
Just visit to open an account or log-in
You can pledge volunteer hours when completing your pledge. The charity listing, both in print and electronic formats, identifies charities that are participating in soliciting volunteer time from Federal employees. You can search the charities that offer volunteer opportunities and indicate the number of hours you would like to pledge to the charities of your choice. Visit CFC Giving System at to search for charities that offer volunteer opportunities and pledge time.
Yes. Ongoing or recurring giving is processed monthly, starting the following month after the official solicitation period ends and can be processed by credit card or bank account. Recurring giving processed via credit card or bank account will occur monthly.
Select the 'Find A Charity' button on the Pledge Donor Website. You will be able to search for charities a variety of ways (e.g. by charity name, EIN, category, location, CFC zone, administrative fundraising rate, volunteer time, FSYP, FSYA and MWR).
The contribution will be deducted following the first pay period which starts after Jan. 15 after the Combined Federal Campaign Open Solicitation Period ends.
The minimum amount of the allotment can not be less than $1 per payday per charitable organization, with no restriction on the size of the increment above that minimum.
There is no limit to the number of charities you can pledge to.
OPM offers several paths to access information or ask a question.
Official Solicitation Period September 1, 2022 - January 14, 2023
CFC payroll deductions may be cancelled at any time. From Your Pledge screen, select and click on Cancel Balance at the top right. You will be asked to confirm your cancelation. Select and click on Yes, cancel pledge to continue. Cancellation will then be confirmed at the top of the Your Pledge screen.
If you cancel your pledge outside of Open Solicitation period, then you cannot submit a new pledge.
Visit the Charity Administrative hub to learn all about becoming a CFC charitable partner. Many charities find working with the CFC campaign to be their most important outreach. Charitable organizations wishing to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) must complete an annual application form via the online CFC Application System.
The Give Back Foundation, a §501(c)(3) donor advised fund, created a platform to simplify workplace giving programs. Companies are using branded Give Back web sites to offer a personalized giving experience to their employees, including payroll deduction, donation matching, enrollment bonuses, giving campaigns and other reward and incentive programs. The GiveBack platform offers employees simple ways to contribute, raise money and donate to charitable causes they care about most. The platform supports more than 1.5 million IRS-approved charities. If your charity received funds from the Give Back Foundation and you are unsure of the source, please contact us at

Participating Charities

Volunteer Hours

Dollars Raised Last Year